9 filthy, matted dogs dumped in West Des Moines shelter parking lot
In West DesMoines, Iowa, a man was videoed leaving 9 filthy, matted dogs in the shelter parking lot at Furry Friends Refuge. The dogs were so severely matted, they couldn’t walk.
According to the social media page of Furry Friends Refuge, the director of the organization, Britt Gagne described the condition of the dogs:
“Today, we found 9 filthy dogs being left in our parking lot. After taking them in and getting them checked over these guys were in clear need of help. Most were matted to the point that it was pinching their skin, fleas were buried in the matted fur, and a number need dental care and treatment for ear infections. These guys will require patience as most are not well socialized. Please help by donating or fostering while we get these guys spayed and neutered and tend to their medical needs. Fostering applications are available at https://furryfriendsrefuge.org/foster-application/”
The 9 dogs are all scared and may not have been properly socialized. Since the dogs have been at Furry Friends Refuge, more video has been posted showing what appears to be the same dogs roaming loose in a central Iowa neighborhood. At this time, it is not known if there are more dogs in need of rescue. The dogs are believed to be Shih Tzu and Bichon Frise mixes.
Some of the dogs are expected to be ready for adoption in a week; others might need at least a month to be socialized.
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