Basset Hound Leads Unsuspecting Pedestrians To A Big Surprise
I’m sure you guys are familiar with the Hush Puppies shoe brand, right? No on could miss their adorable Basset Hound mascot! For over 50 years, Hush Puppies has been known all over the world because of their casual and comfortable footwear. In the 1980′s a housepet became the mascot of Hush Puppies brand. The sweet and soft-eyed Basset Hound has become the logo that we see in shoeboxes, ads, and displays.
Hush Puppies Colombia gave a surprise for some unsuspecting pedestrians. Their Basset Hound mascot is gonna lead them to a mystery gift! Check out what the adorable Hush Puppies hound have in store for the lucky people who took his lead!
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