Brought into shelter swollen, puppy gets emergency care by NYC rescue

Leo was brought into a south Texas shelter on Thursday evening. Barely six-months-old, the puppy’s face is extremely swollen and he is unresponsive. When discovered, Leo could not stand.

“We do not know why he’s not moving. Leo was either punched or bitten by another animal, and we will know more soon,” Rescue Dogs Rock NYC’s co-founder, Stacey Silverstein posted on social media, with the heartbreaking photo of the puppy. “Leo just came into the shelter and his face is extremely swollen and he’s unresponsive 
He is barely moving,he can’t stand and he is critically injured. We don’t know why he’s not moving. Leo was either punched or bitten by another animal; we will know more soon.”

Leo has been transferred to an emergency care veterinarian hospital. He weighs just 18-pounds and his condition remains critical. If Rescue Dogs Rock NYC had not stepped up for Leo’s emergency, the shelter’s only option would have been humane euthanasia.

Updates to follow.

Video when Leo was brought into the shelter:

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