Dozens Of Puppies Found Huddled Up And Confused In Somebody’s Trunk

The SPCA rescued 30 puppies from the illegal puppy trade from the Cairnryan Ferry Port in Scotland– 20 early in the month and 10 more later on. The pups were so confused and helpless, but wait until you see where they are now…

The Scottish SPCA rescued 30 puppies piled up like trash in horrible conditions.

In Scotland, the puppy trade is big business. Each of the puppies pictured here could potentially sell for $1,000 or more.

The puppies were transferred to the care of the Irish SPCA after being taken back to Ireland. And they were all doing well despite what they’d just been through!

All of the puppies were held as reserved until eventually heading off to their forever homes. 🙂

Thankfully, the puppies were rescued before their situation could worsen. They all had bright, loving futures to look forward to! 🙂

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