E-listed dog – Coco has given up after being surrendered by family
It has only been a week, but a sad dog has already given up after being surrendered to a busy Texas animal shelter. Four-year-old Coco, a Labrador retriever mix, was surrendered to the Corpus Christi Animal Care Center on October 6 – for reasons unknown, her family decided to relinquish their pet to the facility.
A plea for help
On Saturday, the volunteer-run Facebook page, Focus on Furever, wrote:
DEFEATED! She has already given up.
Euthanasia Scheduled for 10/23/18
Coco – Owner Surrender
No hold time
She is very withdrawn but not aggressive, just can see that she has given up.
Saving Coco
You can helps save Coco from an unfair fate by sharing this article with her adoption information. Find Coco’s Petharbor link here.
For more information about this animal, call:
City of Corpus Christi Animal Care at (361) 826-4630
Ask for information about animal ID number A304220
Location: Corpus Christi Animal Care Services
Emails must go to ccacsrescues@cctexas.com
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