K-9 can’t stop kissing partner for a photo, and the pictures are going viral
Conservation Officer Levi Knach and his K-9 partner, Kenobi, make the best team. And that is evident by their recent photo “fails.” The two are members of Indiana’s Department of Natural Resources (DNR) law enforcement agency, and they had to sit to get their official photo taken.
But that was a problem because…
Kenobi couldn’t stop kissing his partner!
Let’s try that again…
After adjusting the hat and holding back the smiles, the two were able to keep straight faces long enough to have a serious photo taken.
But what’s better than a partnership built on love and trust? We wouldn’t have it any other way…
Just look at them—they are even inseparable while on desk duty. 🙂
It’s clear they would do anything for each other, and you gotta love it! 😊
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