Tiny puppy found nearly frozen to death on side of road

The Friends of Kershaw County Humane Society had been scrambling on Thursday to help a lifeless little puppy, nearly frozen to death, found on the side of the road by a Good Samaritan.

“Over the last half hour the team at KCHS has been scrambling to help this lifeless little one that a Good Samaritan found on the side of the road. Our vet walked in for another reason as this sweet girl was just brought in. He rushed to get fluids in her & the staff quickly warmed her up. She was stabilized & is headed to a outside clinic for further treatment. She does have a rescue ready to take her if she makes it, so everyone keep Lil Louise in your thoughts!”

S.N.A.R.R. Animal Rescue Northeast volunteered to help, and has since taken over the responsibility of caring for the nearly frozen puppy they have renamed Elsa. The puppy has been transferred to their veterinarian and is receiving life saving care.

A volunteer at the rescue organization has returned to the area where Elsa was found to look for more puppies – just in case.

Many thanks to the efforts of Kershaw County Humane Society and their amazing vet for giving this puppy a chance at life. To clear up any confusion, an update posted on the Friends of Kershaw County Humane Society’s Facebook page stated the following:

Elsa (Lil Louise) is currently under the care of S.N.A.R.R., however the puppy remains in South Carolina until she is stable enough to be transferred.

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