Watch This Dog’s Transformation As He Learns To Walk For The First Time

Every dog deserves a chance. While each pup has challenges, when they have love and support they’re absolutely capable of overcoming them!

Take Hugo, for example. Born with a condition called swimmer’s syndrome, he was unable to walk — his legs were splayed out under him and every attempt left him frustrated and in pain.

But this little fighter was taken in by The Tucker Farm and kept on trying!

Now, Hugo has a happy forever home and is totally capable — he plays fetch, races his brother, and enjoys life to the fullest.

His story just goes to show that when a challenge stops you in your tracks, you just have to keep pushing and do your best to move forward.

“Luckily this sweet boy generally has no trouble walking or running. He can occasionally get a little stiff, so arthritis may be in his future, but hopefully with supplements and the right diet, we can keep it at bay for a long, long time,” Hugo’s family updated on Facebook.

Watch more of Hugo’s story in the video below!

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