What This Dog Did When She Met A Bunch Of Kittens Is Too Perfect For Words

You know what’s cuter than a mama cat and all of her little kittens? Said kittens being introduced by Mom to her adorable dog friend in a precious scenario that’s set to emotionally charged piano music. If that sounds too amazing to be real, suit up, because this video is a thing that actually exists.

This cat befriended a local pup way back when, and after she gave birth to a litter of curious little ones, she knew that she had to introduce the whole gang. The dog was a little too excited at first, but after a gentle bop on the nose by Mom, the canine quickly became the cool aunt who would help them sneak wine at Christmas dinner one day.

Here’s the thing. My heart really can’t handle all of this, and I need to lay down. If you’re not already a useless puddle of puppy-loving goo, go ahead and watch this 30 more times. You know you want to.

And if this isn’t you the entire time, you’re not doing it right.

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