Wild coyote and family’s dog play together in Tempe

A Tempe, Arizona, a resident videoed a neighbor’s dog playing with a wild coyote on Sunday morning. The Airedale and the coyote chased each other in true canine fun fashion – the coyote’s tail wagging happily.

According to AZFamilyNews, the coyote and the dog entertained each other and acted as if they had been friends for years. The encounter occurred near Price Road and Avenue. Although the woman videoing the action, Cassandra Collett, stated she was nervous being so close to the coyote, the animal seemed quite tame.

March 8 at 8:55 PM

EDIT: Just wanted to answer a few questions for everyone. This is in Tempe Az. We do have a golf course in our neighborhood so I think they might have a den there? Not sure…
Also our neighbors accidentally forgot their dog outside when getting the morning paper. I made sure she got home safe and sound.”




No humans were hurt and no pets injured.

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