Dog Videos
CategoryHe Told His Dogs To Roll Over, But His Hilarious Cat Didn’t Want To Be Left Out
There’s no question that YouTuber CATMANTOO did a great job training his pooches, Rottweilers Lucy and Phoenix. They can sit, stay, roll over, and do a bunch of great dog tricks. But CATMANTOO is e…
He Comes Home To A Mess! At 0:32 You’ll See Who Did It!
Most (if not all) dog owners have experienced what it’s like to come home to a mess made by our beloved dogs. But we just love them so much to get mad at them. Especially if they show us that ado…
This Dog Is So Ready To Go To The Park! Watch What He Does When He’s In The Car!
Dogs are so eager to go to the park. But who could blame them? The park is so fun! There’s plenty of scents to pick up, there’s lot of space to run, and you get to meet some friends too! Some dogs …
What a Bunch of Lazy Bones!
Some days, you just don’t want to do anything. Maybe it’s cold out, and the sun isn’t even awake yet, but for whatever reason, you’re just not into it. End of. Well, take a tip from some of thes…
Dog Loves to Watch Ping Pong
We all know dogs love to play. One of their favorite games is usually fetch, and most dogs seem to have a knack for it. Well, this dog has her sights on a different game all together. This dog i…
Video: Get Off My Pillow
This little dog can’t see her four-legged sibling laying on the comfortable pillow because she wants the pillow all for herself. Watch what happens.
Five-Month-Old Puppy Rescued from Underground Pipe
A 60-year-old man from Sao Paulo, Brazil, is praising firefighters as heroes. This after the men rescued the man’s five-month-old puppy from an underground pipe. The dog fell through an uncovered…
This Dog’s Yoga Skills Puts Humans to Shame!
Forget downward-facing dog – this pup is well beyond beginner’s yoga!
Problem Solving Dog Finds Hidden Treats
Hey, we’ve all been there. Hungry, and knowing that there is SOMETHING in the house that you’d actually want to eat, just not knowing where that food is located. Well, for this dog, snack time is a…
What These Strange Animal Pairs Do Together Will Make You Smile – Guaranteed
A new ad for Android phones is encouraging us all to “be together, not the same.” And they definitely picked the cutest and most convincing spokesmen and women to help pass along that message.
If this video about a shelter dog doesn’t move you, check your pulse!
This video will make you want to run out to your local shelter and adopt a dog – guaranteed. My heart broke for Suzy, but then she finally found her happy ending! If only all dogs could be so lucky…
Dogs and Cats Loving Winter More Than Humanly Possible
At this point in the year, most of us living in colder climates are sick to death of the cold, ice, and snow. But the same might not be true for all of our critters. From bouncing through deep sn…
You’ll Absolutely Lose It When You See What This Adorable Dog Is Waiting For
As any dog lover knows, our canine companions aren’t too difficult to get excited–when you have food, at least. Without something delicious in your hands, you might have a tougher time getting the…
Watching A Human Say Goodbye To His Best Friend Will Leave You In A Lake Of Tears
One of the saddest things a pet owner could possibly go through is making the difficult decision to put a very sick companion down. A pet can change a person’s whole outlook on life, and that’s wha…